中文汉化AE/PR插件-三维真实体积雾气朦胧生成特效 Fog v1.1 Win/Mac

2021-10-21 0 945

中文汉化AE/PR插件-三维真实体积雾气朦胧生成特效 Fog v1.1 Win/Mac

立即创建一层雾、扩散和薄雾,无需使用深度贴图。此插件适用于需要重新点亮场景、为照片制作动画以及创建情绪和粒子 VFX 的高级用户。雾是在图像中提供距离提示的视觉元素。立即添加雾、薄雾和扩散可以节省视觉特效和创意色彩分级的时间。可以使用深度图为 2D 层伪造深度。对于大多数 2D 图像,创建深度图并非易事。其他雾插件可以通过一些调整来创建雾的形状。不可能创建扩散、散射、分散、薄雾、可变密度和光晕。Prosya Fog 不需要 3D 合成。它包含一种智能算法,可以估计场景中的深度。它不需要任何用户生成的深度图。

综上所述,其他雾插件可以提供雾的形状。Prosya Fog 提供雾的形状、扩散、散射、分散、薄雾、可变密度和辉光/绽放,以实现完整的幻觉。此外,Prosya Fog 可以处理任何 2D 视频和照片。因此,它同时在 Premiere Pro 和 After Effects 上发布。


This plug-in is meant for power users who need to relight scenes, animate photos and create mood and particle VFX.

Fog is the visual element that gives distance cues in an image. Adding fog, mist and diffusion instantly is a time saver for vfx and creative color grading. Depth can be faked for a 2D layer using a depth map.

For most 2D images, it is not trivial to create a depth map. Other fog plugins can create the shape of a fog, with some tweaking. It is not possible to create diffusion, scattering, dispersion, mist, variable density and bloom. Prosya Fog does not require a 3D comp. It contains an intelligent algorithm that estimates the depth in your scene. It does not require any user-generated depth maps.

In summary, other fog plugins can provide the shape of the fog. Prosya Fog provides the fog shape, diffusion, scattering, dispersion, mist, variable density and glow/bloom for a complete illusion. Also, Prosya Fog will work with any 2D video and photo. As a result it is released on both Premiere Pro and After Effects.


After Effects 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015
Premiere 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015



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影创院 AE插件 中文汉化AE/PR插件-三维真实体积雾气朦胧生成特效 Fog v1.1 Win/Mac https://www.vomfx.com/zhaochajian/aechajian/18706.html


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